
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice: for they shall be filled. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Bless thou the Lord, O my soul. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

Author Topic: Pollution  (Read 413 times)

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Nov 17 2022 By Emma Cotton

Common Eastern Bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) in a squash flower. Photo courtesy of Kent McFarland

Vermont’s 1st comprehensive bee assessment finds 70 new species — and 55 that need more protection

Land use changes are also projected to affect bee populations positively and negatively.

Some changes create more open space and encourage a higher diversity of flowering plants, which is important for some generalist bees, Hardy said. Then again, those changes are likely to encourage deer populations to grow.

“These deer are browsing, preferentially, on native flowering plants and shrubs, which is potentially a stressor on plant populations, which has negative implications for specialist bees especially, and other pollinating insects in general,” he said.

More than half of Vermont bees — primarily wild — have been spending time on farmed crops, scientists found. They’ve been found on raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, apples, tomatillos, chestnuts, ground cherries, chives, oregano and potatoes.

Full article:
« Last Edit: November 19, 2022, 07:50:11 pm by AGelbert »
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December 19, 2022

Here’s Why 32,000+ Abandoned & Orphaned Offshore Wells Litter the Outer Continental Shelf


In all, it’s estimated that the Taylor Energy spill has released up to 140 million gallons of oil to date.

Not all stories of abandoned and orphaned offshore wells are like Taylor Energy’s. Some have been decommissioned the right way, while others are long forgotten and pose unknown environmental and marine life risks. Inadequate records and limited monitoring have made it challenging to accurately track the number of abandoned wells and whether they’ve been adequately plugged.

According to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, however, more than 32,000 of the 55,000 offshore wells across the 10.9-million-acre Outer Continental Shelf are abandoned or orphaned.

But why? How can tens of thousands of oil wells sit out in the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific Oceans without demanding further attention or accountability?

Offshore wells are abandoned when they do not produce enough to offset operating costs. Some wells never produce at all. Some “dry up,” their accessible reserves exhausted based on current extraction methods. Some of these wells are temporarily abandoned, with the idea or promise that the owner will return to attempt extraction sometime in the future. Yet, the average length of time since the 3,364 “temporarily” abandoned wells in the Outer Continental Shelf were last drilled is 38 years.

Wells are considered orphaned when they have no owner. Offshore oil wells are often orphaned if the companies that own and operate them go bankrupt or close their doors for any other reason. With no known owner, orphaned wells present significant challenges when it comes to shutting in and decommissioning them.

Full article:

Agelbert NOTE: Only in the good old United States of Petroleum can a pollution contaminated site, irresponsibly abandonded without plugging and cleanup by profit over planet oil loving greedballs, be affectionately called an "Orphaned" Oil and Gas Well. Friends, if YOU made that kind of a mess in your yard, the authorities would have a hazmat team sent there quickly, followed by the police charging you with unlawful contamination. The wells spewing methane and other (even MORE toxic - i.e. Cancer causing) contaminants were 🦕 IRRESPONSIBLY 😈 ABANDONED, not "orphaned" by an "unfortunate" bit of Hydrocarbon Business "bad luck". It is absolutely breathtaking how the Hydrocarbon Hellspawn keep getting a free pass from the media for in-our-faces toxic pollution dumping on we-the-people.
"Orphaned " Oil and Gas Well❓❓❓

Other euphemisms worthy of Orwell that we have all been subjected to:

😠 ☠️ Highly toxic fisson reactor Uranium fuel 👉   "Enriched" Uranium

😠 ☠️ Abortion 👉 "Reproductive Right"

😠 ☠️ 🦕 "Natural" Gas 👉 "Bridge Fuel"

😠 😈 Greed is Good, 🦍 Might is Right, Losers Finish Last, It doesn't matter how you play the game, but whether you Win or Lose (etc. you get the morally bankrupt Social Darwinist Ideology Idea) 👉 🦖 "Evolutionary Advantage" of "Apex Predators"

AND all this time you actually believed the BIG LIE that "it was the Communists, not the Capitalists", that had the GOAL of CORRUPTING the Language. Now you know better.

Social Darwinist Business as Usual Destruction
« Last Edit: December 22, 2022, 05:30:55 pm by AGelbert »
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« Last Edit: December 30, 2022, 02:17:39 pm by AGelbert »
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"No one can afford to 🦕 let their kids or grandkids get 😖 asthma."
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2023, 12:22:40 pm »
The Crucial Years

January 7, 2023 By BILL MCKIBBEN

Turn off the 🦕☠️ gas
Turn on the ⚡🔌 magnets


I have been arguing for some time now that we’ve reached the point in human history where we should stop setting stuff on fire: coal, oil, biomass, or in this case the “natural gas” that’s found on cookstoves across the country. The most important reason is because all that 🦖 combustion is ☠️ cooking the planet 🥵—but a new study published this week reminded us all of another huge virtue. It found that 13% of childhood asthma in the country can be attributed to kids living in houses with 🦕 gas stoves. That’s 650,000 kids—20 Fenway Parks worth of wheezing young people.

It’s like having 🦖 car exhaust in a home,” Brady Seals, a co-author of the research, told the Washington Post. “And we know that children are some of the people spending the most time at home, along with the elderly.”

This isn’t the first study to come up with similar findings. Earlier efforts found that children in households with gas stoves were 42% more likely to come down with asthma. And of course the effect is magnified in poorer households, which are smaller and less likely to be equipped with adequate ventilation.

All in all, living in a house with a gas range is a risk factor equivalent to living in a house with secondhand cigarette smoke.

Full article:

AGelbert COMMENT: Excellent article, Bill!

Although the transition to 100% Renewable Energy sources is not taking place at the speed required to avert immense climate havoc and millions of human deaths, never mind all the mammalian vertebrate species the fossil fuelers and their bought and paid for politicians are dooming to extinction, I think we will get there much sooner than the hydrocarbon hellspawn expect. Here is a quote from around 2016 of a great journalist from Truthout (who sadly died recently of a heart attack) that encapsules the fact that, though we supporters of a 100% Transition to Renewable Energy have caring, reason, logic and common sense on our side, the Polluter Ideology (SEE: Social Darwinism), not just their polluting modus operandi, continues to be an existential threat to all of us.
"There is a terrible desperation to the increasingly pathetic rationalizations from the climate denial camp. This comes as no surprise if you take the long view; every single undone paradigm in history has died kicking and screaming, and our current petroleum paradigm is no different. The trick here is trying to figure out how we all make it to the new paradigm without dying right along with the old one, kicking, screaming or otherwise." - William Rivers Pitt

« Last Edit: January 07, 2023, 02:03:50 pm by AGelbert »
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January 13, 2023 Edited by Chris McDermott

The Traditional ‘Imperial Lawn’ Is Dead — Long Live the 🌲🌳🌴 Trees

Americans are well known for their evenly clipped, bright green lawns. But rather than being beneficial, these manicured greenspaces are actually detrimental to the environment.

In the U.S., more than 40 million acres of land is covered in some form of lawn, reported Insider. These lawns have the ability to act as carbon sinks that absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but the substantial carbon cost of lawn maintenance often counteracts the benefits, making lawns climate change contributors, reported Princeton University.

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« Last Edit: January 18, 2023, 07:17:04 pm by AGelbert »
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"Get The Hell Out Of There" - Ohio's Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster ☠️ Rages On 😵

MONDAY, FEB 13, 2023 - 09:26 AM  by 'BlueApples'


The ongoing crisis in East Palestine represents an environmental and humanitarian disaster that hasn’t been seen in the United States in recent memory. The scenes from East Palestine look as if they’re taken straight out of a horror film depicting nuclear winter. ... ...

Following the controlled burn, local authorities received multiple concerning reports from residents outside of the mile-long radius of the evacuation area conveying that the emergency posed by the disaster was far from over. One local farmer reported the sudden deaths of many of the animals on the premises of his farm, Park Dairy. The farmer, Taylor Holzer, also works with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources as a registered foxkeeper. Following the disbursement of chemical agents into the air from the controlled burn, many of the foxes on Holzer’s farm experienced fatal effects from the air quality surrounding the area.

“Out of nowhere, he [a fox] just started coughing really hard, just shut down,” Holzer recalled to local media outlet WKBN 27 News. “This is not how a fox should act. He is very weak, limp. His eyes are very watery and weepy. Smoke and chemicals from the train, that’s the only thing that can cause it, because it doesn’t just happen out of nowhere,” he added.

“The ☠️ chemicals that we’re being told are safe in the air, that’s definitely not safe for the animals…or people.”

Holzer’s concerns were echoed by reports from other residents who described similar conditions near their own properties. One of those residents was Katlyn Schwarzwaelder, the operator of a local dog kennel in nearby Darlington, Pennsylvania. The catastrophe caused her to leave her home despite the fact that it lies more than 10 miles away from the site of the controlled burn. After fleeing to Boardman, Ohio, 15 miles away from the derailment, Schwarzwaelder stated she received multiple reports of dead chickens, fish, and other animals from friends and acquaintances. One affected resident told Schwarzwaelder that they let their 2-year old dog out to use the bathroom only for it never to return. When they embarked upon a search for their missing pet, they found it dead in their yard.

Full article with more video: 👀

« Last Edit: February 13, 2023, 12:55:02 pm by AGelbert »
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Feb 28 2023 By Andy Rowell

As local communities 🥵 suffer, 🐘 GOP and 😈 political right weaponize East Palestine disaster


Former President Trump flew into town to help stoke the flames of division and blame. Trump called the authority’s response to the disaster a “betrayal.” “You are not forgotten,” he added.

As Trump exploited the disaster, it is worth remembering that his administration gutted 100 federal safety laws, including weakening routine rail safety audits following accidents and throwing out minimum staffing levels on freight trains. It is hardly surprising the Democratic National Committee hit back saying Trump and his administration rolled back “transportation safety and environmental rules, including toxic chemical regulations."

Trump is not alone in trying to exploit the crisis. The right-wing media, “has seized on this moment to launch baseless conspiracies about why the government’s response has been so poor,” reports the Guardian. “According to them, the Biden administration has abandoned East Palestine because the people living there are white, poor and working class.”

Controversial Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson has been at the forefront of trying to use the race card. He said, “East Palestine is overwhelmingly white and it’s politically conservative.”

Playing the racial culture wars card in East Palestine is a diversionary tactic about what really caused this disaster. As Greg Sargent notes in the Washington Post, the derailment is about “profit-driven rail companies underinvesting in safety” and “lobbyists weakening rail regulation."

The bottom line, as I wrote earlier this month, is that America’s railroads are broken. The system is broken, potentially putting tens of millions of Americans at ☠️ risk, no matter their color. There are a staggering 1,000 train derailments each year in America. It is estimated that some 25 million Americans live within one mile of rail lines that carry toxic crude oil or chemicals. The number of households within blast distance if a 💣 train 💥 explodes is even greater.

Read more:

Lion News

Posted on 2/27/2023 by Roseanne Bottone and Roger Marks

EPA Orders Railroad to Cleanup Derailment Site and Pay for It

Appendix B of EPA’s order is a photograph that shows a bird’s eye view of the de-railed tank cars, including the eleven hazmat tank cars. A label on each car indicates the contents, including for the five cars carrying vinyl chloride.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2023, 02:02:38 pm by AGelbert »
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Murez HealthDay Reporter
WEDNESDAY, April 19, 2023

Do You Live in One of America's Worst Cities for Dirty Air 🤷‍♂️


The cleanest U.S. cities were Asheville-Marion-Brevard, N.C.; Bangor, Maine; Greenville-Kinston-Washington, N.C.; Lincoln-Beatrice, Neb.; Rochester-Batavia-Seneca Falls, N.Y.; urban Honolulu, Hawaii, and Wilmington, N.C.

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« Last Edit: April 19, 2023, 01:57:24 pm by AGelbert »
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December 30, 2022

Air pollutants include gases and particulate matter, or microscopic solids or liquid droplets. Pollutant gases include nitrogen dioxide and black carbon, which are derived mostly from the burning of fossil fuel, and ozone, which results from pollutants emitted from cars, power plants, refineries, and chemical plants.

Full article: 

February 23, 2023

Researchers identify a hot spot in the Mississippi-Ohio River Valley
« Last Edit: April 26, 2023, 01:33:13 pm by AGelbert »
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September 12, 2023 by Mike Schuler

A photo of the capesize bulk carrier Gingo
taken from an Atomflot icebreaker.

First Capesize Bulk Carrier and Non Ice-Class Tanker Transit the Northern Sea Route to China

The bulk carrier Gingo has become the first capesize ship to sail the Northern Sea Route, according to Russian media reports. Separately, a non ice-strengthened tanker is currently conducting a transit—marking another first.

The Gingo departed the Port of Murmansk on a 13-day eastbound voyage to China carrying 164,600 metric tons of iron ore concentrate, marking the largest single cargo to be transported via the NSR. The ship was assisted by two Atomflot icebreakers.

Ship traffic along the Russian-controlled Northern Sea Route is increasing due to warmer winters and longer navigation seasons, with Russia even looking to conduct year-round navigation through the route.

According to Russia’s Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, freight traffic along the NSR has increased from 4 million tonnes in 2014 to 34 million tonnes in 2022, having become a major transport corridor for the export of oil, LNG, mineral fertilizers, metals and other products. Russia is looking to increase the capacity of the NSR to up to to 100 million tonnes by 2026 and 200 million tonnes by 2030.

In a separate but related event, a report today from High North News indicates that Russia has sent a non-ice class Aframax oil tanker, the Leonid Loza, on a voyage through the Northern Sea Route from Murmansk to Ningbo, China, as Russia seeks to boost crude oil shipments to China. The report said the voyage marks the first time a conventional oil tanker will use the Arctic route, calling it a “watershed” moment for shipping through the Arctic.

“Even in this day and age, a fully-laden crude oil tanker is probably the last type of ship that should be sent through the #NorthernSeaRoute without any ice-strengthening,” Aker Arctic wrote in a post published to “X”. Aker Arctic is a leading builder of icebreakers.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2023, 02:28:43 pm by AGelbert »
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About that Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone...
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2024, 01:30:29 pm »
AGelbert RANT : Please observe in this article the hypocritical pretense by the 🦖 U.S. government of caring one whit about 🐬🐟🐠🦈🐙 sea life in the Gulf of Mexico. The "scientists" dutifully place ALL the blame for the so-called "Dead Zone" in the Gulf of Mexico to farm "nutrients" (i.e. high nitrogen fertilizers that 👉 cause algae feeding frenzies that 👉 then die and decompose in great numbers. Said decomposition causes 👉 severe reduction in ocean oxygen content). Yeah, that happens, but, though it is more than 60% of the ☠️ story, it is NOT the WHOLE story. Blatantly ignoring how the THOUSANDS of Hydrocarbon Hellspawn Oil and Gas rigs in the Gulf of Mexico INCREASE the size of the Dead Zone(s) by adding 24/7 fish killing petroleum pollution to the hypoxic waters, never mind the FACT that ALL those farm "nutrients" are Petroleum "Industry" 🦕😈 PRODUCTS (that COULD HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED DECADES AGO BY Government 🦅 Mandated Viable Biosphere Based Organic 🎍 Farming practices), is a testament to the 😈 Stranglehold the Profit Over People and Planet Social Darwinsts 'R' US have over we-the-people.

August 1, 2024 by Mike Schuler

Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone is 12th Largest on Record


NOAA-supported scientists reported that this year’s Gulf of Mexico dead zone, an area of low oxygen harmful to marine life, is approximately 6,705 square miles, the 12th largest on record. The area, equivalent to over 4 million acres, is roughly the size of New Jersey.

Dr. Jill Tupitza and doctoral student Allison Noble collect near-bottom water aboard Research Vessel Pelican to obtain oxygen measurements used to determine the size of the Gulf of Mexico ☠️ hypoxic zone. (Image credit: LUMCON/LSU, Cassandra Glaspie)

The annual dead zone survey by Louisiana State University and LUMCON reveals that the current five-year average size of the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is 4,298 square miles, significantly exceeding the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force’s 2035 target of fewer than 1,900 square miles.

(Top) Map of measured Gulf hypoxia zone, July 21–26, 2024. (Bottom) Long-term measured size of the hypoxic zone (green bars) measured during the ship surveys since 1985, including the target goal established by the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force and the 5-year average measured size (black dashed lines). (Image credit: NOAA/LUMCON/LSU)

Full article:
« Last Edit: August 03, 2024, 12:35:42 pm by AGelbert »
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August 6, 2024 by Mike Schuler

Salvage of Grounded Ultra Galaxy Hampered by ‘Cape of Storms’ 🌊 Weather 🥺

Photo courtesy SAMSA


Smit Salvage South Africa general manager, Richard Robertson, detailed the significant challenges posed by the harsh winter weather. After initially retrieving about eight tons of lubricating oils and low sulfur fuels, the vessel was battered by inclement weather and broke into four pieces. This breach led to a fuel and oil spill, necessitating a major clean-up operation along the adjacent coastal area.

“It is not called the Cape of Storms for no reason,” said Robertson, acknowledging the daunting task ahead.

The briefing also included insights from the vessel insurer’s representative, Michael Heads, Managing Director of 2Oceans P&I Correspondents, Rudolph Pint, Salvage Master at Smit Salvage South Africa, SAMSA Chief Operations Officer, Sobantu Tilayi, and Siboniso Ngema, Commercial and Human Resources Director at SpillTech.

You can watch the media briefing below:

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So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12