December 19, 2022
Here’s Why 32,000+ Abandoned & Orphaned Offshore Wells Litter the Outer Continental Shelf
In all, it’s estimated that the Taylor Energy spill has released up to 140 million gallons of oil to date.
Not all stories of abandoned and orphaned offshore wells are like Taylor Energy’s. Some have been decommissioned the right way, while others are long forgotten and pose unknown environmental and marine life risks. Inadequate records and limited monitoring have made it challenging to accurately track the number of abandoned wells and whether they’ve been adequately plugged.
According to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, however, more than 32,000 of the 55,000 offshore wells across the 10.9-million-acre Outer Continental Shelf are abandoned or orphaned.
But why? How can tens of thousands of oil wells sit out in the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific Oceans without demanding further attention or accountability? Offshore wells are abandoned when they do not produce enough to offset operating costs. Some wells never produce at all. Some “dry up,” their accessible reserves exhausted based on current extraction methods. Some of these wells are temporarily abandoned, with the idea or promise that the owner will return to attempt extraction sometime in the future. Yet, the average length of time since the 3,364 “temporarily” abandoned wells in the Outer Continental Shelf were last drilled is 38 years.
Wells are considered orphaned when they have no owner. Offshore oil wells are often orphaned if the companies that own and operate them go bankrupt or close their doors for any other reason. With no known owner, orphaned wells present significant challenges when it comes to shutting in and decommissioning them.
Full article: Agelbert NOTE: Only in the good old United States of Petroleum can a pollution contaminated site, irresponsibly abandonded without plugging and cleanup by profit over planet oil loving greedballs, be affectionately called an "Orphaned" Oil and Gas Well. Friends, if YOU made that kind of a mess in your yard, the authorities would have a hazmat team sent there quickly, followed by the police charging you with unlawful contamination. The wells spewing
methane and
other (
even MORE toxic - i.e. Cancer causing) contaminants were
🦕 IRRESPONSIBLY 😈 ABANDONED, not "orphaned" by an "unfortunate" bit of Hydrocarbon Business "bad luck". It is absolutely breathtaking how the Hydrocarbon Hellspawn keep getting a free pass from the media for in-our-faces toxic pollution dumping on we-the-people.
"Orphaned " Oil and Gas Well❓❓❓Other euphemisms worthy of Orwell that we have all been subjected to:😠 ☠️ Highly toxic fisson reactor Uranium fuel 👉 "Enriched" Uranium😠 ☠️ Abortion 👉 "Reproductive Right"😠 ☠️ 🦕 "Natural" Gas 👉
"Bridge Fuel"😠 😈
Greed is Good, 🦍
Might is Right, Losers Finish Last, It
doesn't matter how you play the game, but whether you Win or Lose (etc. you get the
morally bankrupt Social Darwinist Ideology Idea) 👉
"Evolutionary Advantage" of "Apex Predators"Social Darwinist Business as Usual Destruction