
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice: for they shall be filled. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Bless thou the Lord, O my soul. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

Author Topic: US Politics  (Read 339 times)

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US Politics
« on: November 07, 2022, 05:18:03 pm »
"The Republicans really have been getting away for with preposterously pretending to be some kind of “populist” working people’s party."
Well, they get away with it because they are allowed to get away with it. And at least the Republicans pretend to like the "poorly educated." The Democrats couldn't make their contempt for them more obvious.

Calgacus  > Robert-SF
"The Democrats couldn't make their contempt for them more obvious."

Yup, the mainstream Dems, many lefties quite literally do not know how to talk to ordinary people without insulting them. One illustration is that there is a fairly good, well-meaning site doing Gods work - that tries to edumucate pipples to NOT do this.

But I pointed out how they were unintentionally doing what they thought they were avoiding - by calling others beliefs "beliefs" and their own beliefs "facts" or "truth". They were trying, but they couldn't get rid of their superciliousness. Super-silly. I'm often supercilious too, but by intent. :-)

They never posted my comment. :-(

Agelbert > Calgacus 
🤔 I understand you are talking about religion. It is mission impossible to tell anyone, from any monotheistic religion, that their religious beliefs "are no more truthful" than the different religious beliefs of others.

Yeah, I get that that is what you believe, as most here at Class Struggle, but good luck convincing those at that web site that you are right and they are "superciliousness" and "Super-silly".

Religious folks have a very poor sense of humor. Your attempt to make them reason out of their errors with a lighthearted comment was probably perceived as mockery. Religious folks don't handle mockery with aplomb, to put it mildly.

As a Christian, I am grateful for your comment about the good work they are doing. It is good to see evidence that some religious folks out there urge others to practice the Benevolent Compassion that only Anti-Christians posing as Christians (i.e. MOST "😈 Church" attending American Christo-fascist, Capitalism Worshipping Greedballs) feel "justified" in going full Orwell on.

As to TRUTH, perhaps it was Pontius Pilate that started the  "What is Truth" 👉 "It's all relative" 🙄 ball rolling, but it didn't really take among the "educated" until about 150 years ago.

IMHO, not popular among my fellow Progressives (to put it mlldly), TRUTH is not now, or ever will be, "relative". There is only ONE Truth. Yeah, I firmly believe Jesus Christ was not engaging in semantic hyperbole when He said He is the Truth, or when He said,"Before Abraham was, I AM".

That said, the (certainly NOT "relative") subcategories of Truth that do not involve religion or a Deity, such as physical constants, atomic weights of elements, the refraction index of water at a given temperature and atmospheric pressure, the speed of light in a vacuum, prima facie evidence of a crime, scientific measurements, etc. are based on the FACT that there is ONE TRUTH, not some "situational ethics" sliding scale of "truth".

The moment you put Truth on a sliding scale, you left Truth AND ETHICS behind. For human societies to go the "it's all relative", "I'm okay, you're okay" route, as ours is obviously DOING, is certainly not "superciliousness" and "Super-silly". But, that morally bankrupt route IS irrefutably regressive, though Progressives will argue till the cows come home that "doin' yer own Libertine thing is Progressive". NO WAY!

Just as science CANNOT function with relative "truths" about  what something is made of, our society is not viable with no IMMUTABLE ETHICAL STANDARD. In fact, though Progressives get hives every time it is brought up, the progress of SCIENCE BY the formulation of the Scientific Method came DIRECTLY from the monotheistic religious belief that there is ONE GOD and ONE TRUTH, NOT from the "Enlightenment", so often erroneously given FULL credit for human advances in scientific knowledge.

All this goes back to the EMBRACE of Social Darwinism by the most educated and influential segments of our morally bankrupt civilization. Thus, as long as TPTB, and too many out there believe, as they do, that "might equals right", then the belief that "we are a viable species" is a Sick Joke.

Read more:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2022, 05:33:07 pm by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12

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February 4, 2023 By Steve Hanley

Democrats Sell Their Souls To The 🦕 Methane 👿 Mob

The 🦕 methane 👿 industry has created a new political action campaign that targets Democratic voters in blue states.


🦕 Natural 😈 Allies doesn’t need to target reactionaries. Twenty states with 🐘 GOP controlled legislatures have already passed “😈 preemption laws that prohibit cities from banning gas. And this week, Florida’s arch 🐘😈 conservative governor, who is vying for the title of “most despicable human being,” suggested his state should exempt gas stoves from the state sales tax to encourage more people to buy one.

Full article:

Thank you Steve Hanley for this article. It is high time people faced the hard truth that our government has been thoroughly corrupted by the Hydrocarbon Hellspawn and their Banker partners in profit over people and planet. I will add some graphics to illustrate how this insanity came about. 👉 Pictures can, as shown below, often reveal a lot more 😱 than a "thousand words".

The last 75 years, and the next 25 years or so, of American Government History for reality based people:

If you hold ANY stock in a bank that finances hydrocarbon fuels infrastructure or ANY stock in a corporation that profits from upstream or downstream exploration, exploitation of and/or refining of hydrocarbons, you will be very sorry, very, very soon, that you did. For the sake of everything and everyone you hold dear, SELL NOW!

The trend, not only is not our friend, but is most definitively our DOOM.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 02:00:38 pm by AGelbert »
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Land counts MORE than People in the 🐘😈 USA. 😪
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2023, 10:28:49 pm »
Here is the "voting" and 🐘😈 Representation PROBLEM with our so-called "Democracy": 

« Last Edit: February 14, 2023, 10:42:15 pm by AGelbert »
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"Perhaps Carter could have staved this off had he been more politically cunning, but I doubt it. After 45 years playing defense, corporate America was eager to grab back the reins of power. Despite his best efforts, Carter paved the way for Ronald Reagan
and America’s return to the corporate capitalism that had dominated the nation before the 🥵 Great Depression and Franklin D. Roosevelt 🗽." -- February 20, 2023 Robert Reich

« Last Edit: February 20, 2023, 02:04:50 pm by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12


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😕 Rethinking Capitalism — What Can It Mean For Cleantech? 🙄
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2023, 03:22:01 pm »

March 1, 2023 By Carolyn Fortuna

Rethinking Capitalism — What Can It Mean For Cleantech? 

What changes need to take place so that cleantech can obtain the respect, stability, and funding it needs to transform our entire energy economy?

Full article:

AGelbert COMMENT: The "isms" are not the PROBLEM. The PROBLEM is the SOCIAL DARWINIST IDEOLOGY they (e.g. Capitalism, Fascism, Communism) are based on.

Social Darwinists, thanks to Darwin's racist pseudo-science, believe that ethics based principles are 'limitations pretending to be virtues'. To them, ethics are 'feel good illusions' that humans invented to pretend our species has empathy. To Social Darwinists, empathy is irrefutable evidence of inexcusable weakness. To them, all who are guided by ethics are deluded fools that should be eliminated from the human 'apex predator' gene pool for the "good" of our species.

Enthusiastic converts to Social Darwinism have, to this day, used the language of evolution to frame an understanding of the growing gulf between the rich and the poor, as well as the many differences between cultures all over the world. The explanation they arrived at, and continue to use to justify biosphere trashing profit over people and planet, regardless of any alligator tear filled mendacious claims to the contrary, is that businessmen and others who are economically and socially successful are so because they are biologically and socially “naturally” 🙄🤔 the fittest.

Conversely, they reason that the poor are “naturally” weak and unfit and it would be an error to allow the weak of the species to continue to breed.

The ideology of the Social Darwinist is indistinguishable from the despicable ideology of NAZI Germany, clearly exemplified in their brutally enforced morally bankrupt concentration camp law: “Eat your own bread, and if you can, that of your neighbor.”

This heinous "Apex Predators have a DARWINIAN RESPONSIBILITY to BE as PREDATORILY EVOLVED (SEE: Steal everything that is not nailed down.) as possible" ATHEIST WORLDVIEW is the socially destructive tsunami now engulfing human society. What all the entrenched insiders among the parasitic, predatory (i.e. Social Darwinist) elites and institutions don't dare admit publicly, though they celebrate that privately, is that to protect themselves from consequence, making the rest of us sacrifice everything else is what they-the-Apex-Predators have a DARWINIAN DUTY to DO. After all, Homo sapiens is "just the result of random undirected processes", so the more you can "enlightened self interest" DO to get MORE POWER by causing, directly or indirectly, the death of human competitors for the species gene pool high ground, "the better".
This is how America works now: in-your-face corruption is not just 💵🎩🍌 accepted, it's  😈🍾 glorified.

Let's score America's wealth and power elites, regardless of party or political persuasion:
Integrity: zero.
Austerity: zero.
Restraint: zero.
Humility: zero.
Responsibility: zero.
Accountability: zero.
Sacrifice for the common good: zero.
Thrift: zero.
ALL the above scores are perfectly descriptive  of the Social Darwinist modus operandi/vivendi.

Frugality and prudence, once accepted by all human cultures as sine qua non, has given way to massive excess by TPTB (and too many of the, brainwashed by the "education system", non-rich populace) and a level of 🐗👿🐊🦍🐉 craziness in culture ethical humans never imagined they would experience.

📢 It REALLY IS the Social Darwinism, stupid! 
« Last Edit: March 04, 2023, 03:32:19 pm by AGelbert »
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Re: US Politics
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2023, 06:04:34 pm »
June 9, 2023

AGelbert NOTE:

Trump was FINALLY indicted, as everybody that doesn't live under a rock now knows. I am not holding my breath waiting for justice to be done and that hate filled ANTI-Christian psycopath be imprisoned for several years. There is far too much corruptiton in our government and the courts at present. AND, things are getting worse, not better. God help us because TPTB are sworn enemies of the righteous and fast friends with the hellspawn that are destroying our society.

Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward: he that doth keep his soul shall be far from them. ~ Proverbs 22:5
« Last Edit: June 09, 2023, 06:29:00 pm by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12


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The Class Struggle

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

AGelbert COMMENT: There is too much Right Wing Pseudo-Christian GREED out there.
Selected Comments by MDs on the above article:
If off label prescription becomes a criminal activity then the practice of psychiatry will come to a halt.

Finally, some official push back against all the crap physicians have had to endure for decades. I just hope it is more than talk.

Last I knew, practicing medicine without a license was illegal. And that is what these legislators are doing......

a day ago edited
"A doctor who can't get in trouble for malpractice because no patient has been harmed can end up in federal prison for 20-plus years, because they prescribed off-guidelines," said Stuart Gitlow, MD, MPH, MBA, of New York City, a delegate for the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). "This is unacceptable. It's been unacceptable for more than 2 decades now. And it's time for us to push back."
This is horrofying! AMA must send a no-nonsense opinion; please prove you really support physicians, who are the perfect foil for all resentments and vitriol from all sides. To us doctors, it may help if we stop trooping out in residents' white jackets as televised backdrop for political messages.

The AMA also needs to speak up again (but more loudly this time), regarding how pain patients are treated and why! It's not just the DEA now. Of course they continue to cut production quota's but now, despite the shortage of opioids, plus they just pulled one of the largest drug distributor's DEA registration! Plus, there are a few others filing bankruptsy and another one who has stopped producing 2 of the most prescribed generic opioids and this is all due to misinformation that has been pushed and making people believe that opioids are causing all of the addiction and OD's! All manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers are afraid of lawsuits from the states so they are trying to avoid opioids. It's hard enough to find a doctor that will treat pain (plus insurance companies have policies limiting amounts prescribed and states have limits), but NOW, it is becoming very difficult to even find a pharmacy that will fill opioids, even if they do have them in stock or can get enough supply (they are also at risk of red flags that will cause their order to be cancelled so they receive NO opioids to dispense)! This is due to the lawsuit settlement that Walgreens, Walmart and CVS agreed to (hidden far down in the agreement), which says they will significantly reduce the amount of opioids they dispense. So Walgreens (and I've heard CVS is also doing this), is sending long, narrative questionnaires to all prescribers of opioids that make it clear to anyone with common sense, they are refusing to fill ANY medications from those doctors who don't pass their new prescribing requirements (no, they aren't written anywhere but if you've seen the questions, then you understand).So instead of these pharmacies looking at individual patients, they aren't taking any chances and are just refusing to fill all Rx's by doctors who prescribe "too many" opioids, "high dosages", and a long list of other criteria that only Walgreens knows about (and possibly CVS). These are NOT pill mill doctors either!!! Maybe the AMA isn't aware of how difficult it is for patients to fill their pain meds? It's going to take an act of Congress to fix all of these problems because there are just too many, but they don't know the truth so believe the propaganda! There is so much more that most people don't know about and I sure wish they did! Pain patients are treated worse than those addicted to street drugs and even worse than prisoners who must have their pain treated according to the 8th amendment (the ACLU fought for them).It is not okay to allow patients with intractable pain to just suffer, which is forcing many to the streets for their pain relief or to suicide!!
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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Ohio Vote on Issue 1, August 8, 2023
1).  “You did it, Ohio!: Republican efforts to raise ballot measure standards FAILS”, Aug 8, 2023, Jessica Valenti, Abortion Every Day, at

2).  “Abortion Rights Get Lift in Ohio as G.O.P. Bid Fails.”, Aug. 9, 2023, Michael Wines, 1,203 words, New York Times.

The contest was seen as a test of efforts by Republicans nationwide to curb voters' use of ballot initiatives.

Ohio voters rejected a bid on Tuesday to make it harder to amend the State Constitution, according to The Associated Press, a significant victory for abortion-rights supporters trying to stop the Republican-controlled State Legislature from severely restricting the procedure.

The abortion question turned what would normally be a sleepy summer election in an off year into a highly visible dogfight that took on national importance and drew an unprecedented number of Ohio voters for an August election.

Late results showed the measure losing by 13 percentage points, 56.5 percent to 43.5 percent. The roughly 2.8 million votes cast dwarfed the 1.66 million ballots counted in the state's 2022 primary elections, in which races for governor, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House were up for grabs.

The contest was widely seen as a test of Republicans' efforts nationwide to curb the use of ballot initiatives, and a potential barometer of the political climate going into the 2024 elections.

Organizations that opposed the proposal called the vote a decisive rebuff of the State Legislature, which had ordered the referendum in an attempt to derail a November vote on a constitutional amendment that would guarantee abortion rights.

''It was about a direct connection with the abortion issue for many voters,'' said Kelly Hall, the executive director of the Fairness Project, one of the leaders of the Ohio campaign against the proposal. ''But there were many others who saw it as a power grab by some legislators.

''The resounding rejection of their attempt means that voters know what's up when they're being asked to vote their rights away.''

Read more:

A long time ago I took a college course in labor management relations (~1976). One the interesting things I learned was that the Supreme Court has a legal thing called "Preemption".

The preemption doctrine refers to the idea that a higher authority of law will displace the law of a lower authority of law when the two authorities come into conflict.
The 😈 fun starts when the descriptive adjective, "Federal" is tacked on (I am guilty of adding irreverent 😁 emojies):
Federal Preemption
When state law and federal law 😉 conflict, federal law displaces, or preempts, state law, due to the 💵🎩 Supremacy Clause of the 🍌 Constitution.

🤔 What does all the above have to do with the price of abortion peaches in Denmark or any place else, you might ask 🤷‍♂️?

🧐 Well, though the issue of abortion is actually a side issue, not a central issue here, the current fight to tell the Supreme Court, now ruled by "Christian" (see Orwell) Fascists, what they can do with their right wing fascist legerdemain IS CENTRAL to this discussion.

You see, gobbledegook legerdemain language lovers have always cursed the legal "profession", These men (and now women) of "Letters" make it their "business" to serve TPTB by narrowing, or broadening, the definition of a word or phrase used in law to make sure TPTB always get the upper (i.e. 😈 selectively enforced) hand.

It has been the ethically bankrupt norm in Law and political "professions" (i.e. 😒 Sophist = A sophist is someone who makes good points about an issue — until you realize those points aren't entirely true, like a political candidate who twists an opponent's words or gives misleading facts during a speech.) even before Roman Law was a thing. 🤦‍♂️

So, it is not surprizing that this "😇 skill 😈" was thoroughly entrenched in the worldview of those who wrote the Constitution of the USA.
Which brings us to the "Originalists"  on the Supremely Fascist Court who have used this "😇 skill 😈" to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Of course, as I explained above, these "Originalists" ARE SOPHISTS. That is, they never gave a tinker's damn about ethics, truth, morallity and so on. Their MO is SERVE TPTB, PERIOD. They use all the huge amount of doubletalk word games they are well practiced in to deny that, but anyone with a lick of sense can see what serial liars these reprobates are.

As a Christian, I have stated here more than once that the Supreme Court has NO RIGHT to criminalize abortion. I don't see it as a "my body, my right" thing. I see it as an example of mind boggling hypocrisy in the light of  such "legal precedents" as "qualified immunity" for cops that break every law in the book. Picking on pregnant women is UNJUST AND IMMORAL, PERIOD. Rather than punishing women for seeking an abortion, an ethics based Supreme Court (one this country has NEVER HAD!) would Rule that WIC, SNAP, COLA and Poverty level amount formulas are 25% OR LESS of what they MUST BE to reflect economic REALITY in the USA.
WHERE is the QUALIFIED IMMUNITY for a pregant mother who feels forced to abort her child because of economic hardship? GO TO HELL, you BASTARDS on the Supreme Court! HYPOCRITES!. LIARS! Prison is too good for you SCUM. Pregnant women who abort are VICTIMS of the unjust, abusive system YOU support for the Social Darwinist Rich Hellspawn BASTARDS that bought you SNAKES! 😡   
🗽 Rant over.

📢 The Lord's eyes are on the rghteous and His ears are open to their cry. The Lord's face is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the Earth. 

It is my studied opinon that, even though the Supreme Fascists think they have pulled a fast one (i.e. they cynically expect the States to nullify their ruling on Abortion while leaving the other outrages against democracy untouched) on we-the-people (SEE: Old Totalitarian Government Techinque of "two steps forward, one step back" = 😈 FORWARD) by getting Christians and non-Christians to argue and fight each other in the ballot box INSTEAD of Christians and non-Christians joining together to force Congress and/or said Fascist Corrupted Court to correct the gutting of Voting Rights Laws and totally fascist "money is speech" decisions, this abortion issue was the straw that told the we-the-people "camel" that our democracy "Back" IS BROKEN and we need to fix it PRONTO.

I may be being overly optimistic, but I do believe that the "💣 States Rights" baloney that caused the Civil War way back then, will now 💥 explode 👍 in the Fascist Faces of the "🐍 Originalist" water carriers for 💵🎩🍌 TPTB. Women CAN VOTE. Women, Republican or Democrat or Independent WILL NOT stand for the criminalization of abortion. They have now become thoroughly incensed with the Supreme Court. Thus, the voting rights and campaign finance injustice this Court has legislated from the bench will now be front and center to every woman (and man) that is fighting the criminalization of abortion. 

The Supreme Court, AND Congress, by the way, now finds themselves between a Federal Preemption ROCK and a HARD PLACE. Originalists ALWAYS talk out of both sides of their mouth on Federal Preemption. They defend Federal Preemption whenever they want to "pre-empt" (i.e. knock down) Just we-the-people Laws passed by States. BUT, now the Supreme Fascists are going to play dead while States all make abortion as legal as it was before by playing the SOPHIST game of saying "States Rights" is "good and proper". Sophists ALWAYS want to have it both ways. The American public has been quite deliberately thoroughly dumbed down for at least a century, but I don't think this current Orwellian mindfork will fly. It is time to bring democracy to the USA. This requires a total nullification of any and all Laws that limit voter participation, a Senate that is proportional to population size AND a House of Representatives that is NOT limited in size, but allows for one Rep PER 30,000 to 60,000 population. With modern tech, this huge, truly representative Congress could meet via computer, as the Pentagon has done for decades now. There is NO NEED for them to travel to Washington D.C. Secure communications are old hat. So many Reps and Senators would be harder to buy. Unjust Laws favoring the Rich Parasites would be legislated out of existence. It would not be utopia, but it, unlike the dystopia we labor under now, would work for MOST of the people.

Finally let me advise my socialist comrades in arms to try to prioritize the issues of these sad times by the number of people impacted by them. Getting on your high horse about the rights of your body must be tempered by comparing that issue with the massive abuse of the rights of every voting age person in the USA by the Fascist Supreme Court. IF we get a DEMOCRACY, the abortion issue would disappear, right along with "qualified immunity", racist voting laws, gerrymandering, deliberate hurdles in election regulations to keep independents off the ballot, corporation rights they have no business having, hydrocarbon fuel producing corporate "subsidies", tax breaks for the rich and the shaft for everyone else, and many other examples of disguised tyranny that have to be dealt with within a decade or less or we are 🎩🦍 TOAST.

THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! Do your part to fix ALL OF IT, not just the parts you think impact you. Please put the highest priority (i.e. 🗽 TRUE Voting Rights Representation in Congress and the Senate)  on the top of your list.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2023, 07:32:39 pm by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12


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« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2023, 05:06:15 pm »

« Last Edit: August 21, 2023, 05:07:55 pm by AGelbert »
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😒 "Abortion as an election winner" 🤦‍♂️
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2023, 04:24:32 pm »
The Class Struggle

Monday, August 21, 2023

Abortion as an election winner

 “Abortion Wins Elections: The fight to make reproductive rights the centerpiece of the Democratic Party’s 2024 agenda”, “The Body Politic”, Mar. 27, 2023, Rebecca Traister, (writer-at-large for New York Magazine and The Cut), The Cut,

Full article:

Selected COMMENTS:

"Abortion Wins Elections." 😕
👉 I totally, but respectfully, disagree.

📢 Advocating for the  DECRIMINALIZATION of Abortion Wins Elections.
🤠There, fixed that fer ya.

🤔 Before you pro-abortion readers out there get 😠🗽 triggered, please consider your PRESENT view of 🥵 traumatic experiences on the human condition.
😠 WHAT does my view of  traumatic experiences on the human condition have to do with being PRO-ABORTION because it is a RIGHT❓, you might ask.
Yes, it is true that, as a rule, abortion is technically not considered by most people as a traumatic experience, such as obviously traumatic experiences like being the victim of physical abuse OR self mutilation due to despair, depression and/or mental disease.

While it is a criminal act in the U.S. legal code to physically abuse another person, no one gets prosecuted for self multilation. It is LEGAL to self mutilate. Yeah, loved ones and/or a doctor might scold you for cutting yourself (or worse: amputating an "offensive" part of your body), but there is no law against it, as long as you are not attempting suicide. Even then, people who made unsuccessful suicide attempts are never prosecuted, but sent to a shrink. And certainly no one in their right mind would call self mutilation a "right" (i.e. 'My body, my RIGHT to cut myself as much as I want as long as it don't kill me, eh? I'm a Masochist. What's yer problem with that? I have a RIGHT to be a Masochist!' 👀🤦‍♂️). 

NO, I am NOT making a 'false equivalence' (i.e. abortion 'apples' versus self mutilation 'peaches'). As I said before, while it is true that abortion is technically not considered by most people as a traumatic experience, it certainly cannot be considered a "self esteem enhancing experience", which is normally the effect of exercising a legal right. The fact is that ANY NON-CHRISTIAN psychiatrist or psychologist will explain to objective listeners WHY abortion is, FAR more often than not, a traumatic experience.

I get it. You are using buzzwords and slogans to win elections. Be careful of what precedent you are setting by broadening the definition of a "Human Right" to something you will be VERY uncomfortable with, to put it mildly.

My advice to all you pro-abortion folks out there is to modify your slogans so you can get more right wingers to abandon the 👿 pseudo-Christian fascist crazies destroying this country:

🔊 CRIMINALIZE Money as "Speech" NOW! 🗽

ozarkmichael  > AGelbert
The smart thing to do would be to win over the moderate voters by proposing moderate gains for abortion rights. Going too far by demanding an absolute is the mistake that those of us against abortion have made in the last year.

AGelbert > ozarkmichael
I will never agree that killing a fetus is a "right". If that makes me unsmart (i.e. stupid), then so be it. I must do the Will of God, not the will of anyone that opposes the Will of God.

I agree with Jim Wallis. Do you?

September 10 2020
It might seem like a bold idea that the word “Christian” could become more important than the word “white” when the opposite has been true for a long time. Especially since the rise of the Religious Right, white evangelicalism in particular has been successfully tied to right-wing politics indifferent or actively hostile to racial equity, which is a fundamentally religious issue. The Religious Right, in fact, was poisoned from its beginnings with white race, white identity, and white power being prominent among its organizing purposes.

As an evangelical Christian, I believe that issues such as abortion and religious liberty are important — but I’ve also lived the history and seen how those issues have been skewed and politicized by the Religious Right to paper over clear biblical imperatives surrounding poverty and race.

Until white Christians understand that loving their neighbors as themselves means fighting unrelentingly for justice for Black and brown people and dismantling the oppressive structures of white supremacy, white American Christian claims to understand the heart of the gospel ring exceedingly hollow.

I stopped reading the 1st article at "When you’re choosing Michigan’s next attorney general, ask yourself this: Who can you trust most not to show you their **** in a professional setting? Is it the candidate who doesn’t have a ****?"

This is fault out anti-male bigotry and demonization of male sexuality.

"Spending time with Michigan’s newly elected governing majority is a little like landing on a planet where no white men are in charge. "

This is bigotry as well.

This misandry is the reason I refuse to lift a finger to support abortion rights. I will do nothing to aid these man hating bigots.

AGelbert > dreamjoehill2
Friend, please keep in mind that the worst bigots in US politics are men.
My point is that, like it or not, men have to get it through their heads that women are the majority of the voting public in this country and their views MUST be respected if we are to function (for a change since the Founding Fathers' Fix was IN at the beginning) as a democracy.

That said, women are every bit as corruptible as men. SO, I would hope that these women advocates for the decriminalization of abortion would use this opportunity to rally their base against the "Money is Speech" Fascist Enabling Cornerstone destroying this country:

I recommend these two slogans:
🔊 CRIMINALIZE Money as "Speech" NOW! 🗽

dreamjoehill2  > AGelbert
"Friend, please keep in mind that the worst bigots in US politics are men."
I don't think so.
Sarah Palin, Loren Boebart, Margarie Taylor Greene, Anne Coulter, Moms For liberty. Overseas, two of Europe's largest far right parties are led by woman in Italy and France.

Money as speech is one of the biggest cons ever pulled on USAns.

AGelbert > dreamjoehill2
"Money as speech is one of the biggest cons ever pulled on USAns."
📢 Exactly right! It was overwhelmingly evil MEN who pulled that fascism enabling injustice, was it not❓
THEN: Money is "Speech" Fascism Enabling R.A.T.S:

NOW: Fascism Enabling Evil Bastards Criminalizing Abortion:

I agree with Jim Wallis. Do you?

September 10 2020
As an evangelical Christian, I believe that issues such as abortion and religious liberty are important — but I’ve also lived the history and seen how those issues have been skewed and politicized by the Religious Right to paper over clear biblical imperatives surrounding poverty and race.

Until white Christians understand that loving their neighbors as themselves means fighting unrelentingly for justice for Black and brown people and dismantling the oppressive structures of white supremacy, white American Christian claims to understand the heart of the gospel ring exceedingly hollow.

dreamjoehill2 > AGelbert
Good quote, but what's it got to do with the fact that feminism is man hating movement that demonizes men and their sexuality?

AGelbert > dreamjoehill2
Dreamjoehill2: "... what's it got to do with the fact that feminism is man hating movement that demonizes men and their sexuality?"

Well, quite a bit, actually. Feminists lack objectivity, to put it mildly. I hear ya on that. However, 100% of the Long Train of Abuses We-The-People (men and women together) have been tyrannically subjected to that triggered the 1776 American Revolution OF, BY and FOR Landed White Men with clever "inclusive 😇" 😈 rhetoric about all men (i.e. all humans) being Created "equal",  before, AND AFTER (for 200 plus years and counting 😡) the founding of the USA are BECAUSE OF WEALTHY WHITE PRIVILEGED MEN.

Sure, feminists go out of their way to emasculate men any way they can. SO? I've been subject to that demonization. It's no fun. BUT, I have never had any Legal Right taken from me by a feminist.

My RIGHT to Representative Government was STOLEN from me by bought and paid for 😈 MEN in Congress who, around 1913, corked the amount of Reps in the House so Greedball Corporations (almost exclusively run, to this day, by MEN) could CONTINUE TO EXPLOIT We-The-People "for the 😇 good of the 💵🎩😈 country".

The 👹👿  Supreme Court of THAT TIME, the one that Justice Oliver Wendell Homes 🗽 was a member of, had no women on it.

Holmes was known as The Great Dissenter because he strongly objected to all the "business 💰🐘😈 friendly" cruel abuses that Court defended with every "Decision" defending child 😞 labor, lack of a safe work environment, firing people (and children!) injured on the job WITHOUT any compensation, high accident rates due to 12 hour work days AND employee (INCLUDING CHILDREN!) deaths from accidents higher in the USA at that time than in ANY other industrialized country!

It wasn't until FDR came along that Justice Holmes got some traction on addressing the inexcusable gratuitous cruelty for PROFIT said Supreme Court BASTARDS defended.

The Feminist reaction to all the CRAP those empathy deficit disordered GREEDBALLS (Rich Men and some Rich Women, by the way, though Feminists don't want to talk about that 😉) in Government engineered to PERMANENTLY fleece BOTH men and women good and proper on behalf of "St" John (Capitalism is 🦍💰 IT) 💵 Adams is a logical and reasonable reaction to centuries of being treated like golden geese. I cannot get all upset about Feminists wanting to tell all men to get lost simply because, as the Bible says, MEN are NOT to EVER abuse women! And YEAH, RICH WHITE MEN are MOSTLY the ones that TARGET ANYONE (of ANY GENDER who is not wealthy} for abusive exploitation.

"It ain't poisonal, jes Capitalist bidness" IS NOT AN EXCUSE.

Now let us take this discussion of who's conduct is acceptable and who's conduct is not to this forum.

As you are probably aware, NB and I are at odds about the Abortion issue. Some might even say that she is a "Feminist". I'm a male of this sad species and a Christian.

SO, many Christians might say I have to "battle" NB's worldview. I disagree with ANY Christian that says that. My job as a Christian is to BATTLE EVIL, not humans.
I will add that I would not be concerned for my physical welfare or my Legal Rights if NB was in charge, along with all the Feminsists you are so bothered by, of the United States Government, including the Supreme Court! 🌞😁

WHY? Because, unlike people who worship at the altar of power and riches, whether they claim to be "Christian" or not. NB has a HEART FOR JUSTICE.  She, IMHO, HUNGERS AND THIRSTS FOR JUSTICE!
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 Even though she is certainly not a Christian, she DOES walk the "Do unto others as you would have the do unto you." COMMAND that Christ gave all of us.

In this way, she is more Christian than most people I have known who claim the label. 

And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? ~ James 2:16

Dreamjoehill2: "...feminism is a man hating movement that demonizes men and their sexuality." 
Feminism is a man hating movement that rightfully demonizes EVIL men and their perverse lust orientated sexuality.
There, fixed that for ya. 🤠

I am of the studied opinion that Feminism is the logical and reasonable result of women of good will being exploited and physically abused for generations BY 🦍 UNGODLY MEN. 😡

God ☝🏻 Bless the 🕊️ Feminists! May they prevail in removing from power Evil (= 👿 Social Darwinist) Rich Men AND Evil (= 👿 Social Darwinist) Rich Women along the way. Feminists CARE about other people.  Evil Rich people, mostly, but not exclusively, MEN, DON'T.

The trouble with the U.S. being ruled by Social Darwinists is that they don’t care about other people. They are actually incapable of imagining the lives of others, especially the fact that these others care about each other, and what happens to them.

It REALLY IS the Social Darwinism!
« Last Edit: August 23, 2023, 06:26:35 pm by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12


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Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein. (AP Photo/D. Ross Cameron, File)

‘The Way Things Are Going, 😈 Biden Is Going to 🌠 Lose On His Own’: An Interview With Jill Stein 🕊️🗽

The Green Party candidate on democracy, climate change, Ukraine, why Democrats need to scapegoat left-wing “spoilers” and that night in Moscow the media can’t seem to forget.

Let’s start with the current political mood and situation. Trump is leading his challengers and Biden in the polls. Democrats are nervous and looking anxiously to the courts. Meanwhile, a lot of usual suspects are issuing the perennial warnings about third party candidates. Dick Gephardt, after two decades working as a lobbyist, has popped up as the face of a new group, Citizens to Save Our Republic, that is buying ads across the country to caution voters against the siren songs of third-party campaigns — or they will help elect Trump. There are similar rumblings on the left, including in quarters that believe Democrats should win or lose on their own merits. What do you say to those who are otherwise receptive and sympathetic to the Green Party platform and critique, but also believe conditions demand a united front behind the Democrat, given the unique threat they believe a second Trump administration poses to the remaining institutions and norms of what passes for American democracy, as degraded as they may be?

JILL STEIN: The way it’s going, Biden is going to lose on his own, even without third parties. The fact that we are being smeared and targeted reflects the Democrats’ vulnerability and failure to address their loss of support. It’s a fallacy that Greens and other progressive candidates take votes away from Democrats. Largely what we’re doing is bringing people out. In 2016, we received 1.4 million votes, but seven million Democratic votes crossed over for Trump. The bigger problem was the 100 million voters who didn’t come out at all. Marginalized constituents, youth, the poor. That’s who the Democrats ought to be talking to. That’s who’s being left out here. The argument that we’re spoiling the election is extremely disingenuous as well as anti-democratic.

TD: It’s also one that could be eliminated by rank-choice voting.

JS: Yes, it could. But what do the Democrats do? They fight-rank choice voting tooth and nail.

TD: Do you agree with the assessment that Trump represents a unique threat this time around? Does the lesser-of-two-evils argument carry more power than usual in 2024?

JS: I think the Democrats also pose very serious threats to democracy, including throwing competition off the ballot. That’s pretty authoritarian right there. They have their own way of undermining the integrity of our elections. They hijack their own primaries. They don’t even make a pretense. Democrats are leading the charge in the attack on free speech, freedom of the press, the right to protest. Democratic administrations accuse environmental protesters of terrorism and threaten them with decades in jail. The Republicans don’t have a stranglehold on threats to our democracy. The Democrats are also leading us into very dangerous wars that could turn nuclear quickly. I don’t think that’s less of a threat to the survival of our democracy.

TD: We’ll get to those wars in a minute. How do you assess the difference between the major parties on, say, climate and energy?

JS: If you look behind the numbers, the high-ground claimed by the Democrats is dubious. Biden is proceeding full speed ahead with 22 Liquified Natural Gas export facilities. Just one of them, in Louisiana, represents something like 20 times more CO2 than the Willow oil project in the Alaskan Arctic. The amount of carbon associated with these plants is off the charts. But those numbers are conveniently taken off the books so they don’t count in our country’s carbon footprint. If you include them, we have made zero progress since 2005. Nature doesn’t care about renewable energy if carbon is still being produced. That’s why we urgently need a Global Green New Deal.

TD: You’ve talked about how a Global Green New Deal was the centerpiece of your trip to Moscow in December of 2015. Because that event still gets invoked in a superficial way, I’m curious about the backstory and politics of that trip, and especially the Russia Today dinner that your critics love to trot out as some kind of “gotcha” moment. 

The whole premise of the “Putin puppet” smear was always ludicrous, but they’re still using it, even after the Senate Intelligence Committee laid it to rest.

JS: The visit to Moscow was part of a longer trip that included the Climate Summit in Paris, where I met with Jeremy Corbyn, China’s deputy lead negotiator on climate, and grassroots activists from around the world. Putin had just begun bombing Syria at the time, and my message to him was that they were following the disastrous U.S. approach to the Middle East. The day of the dinner, I delivered a speech at a conference in Moscow about the need for U.S.-Russia collaboration on climate change, ending the scourge of nuclear weapons and ending the war in the Middle East. I was putting out a peace proposal.

TD: Sounds like standard two-track peace diplomacy.

JS: Yes. My interest in this [type of diplomacy] began when I was a pre-med student in Boston. My adviser brought me to a meeting of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and I was just fascinated by it. I met visiting Russian scientists and I thought it was amazing and powerful and wonderful. Ordinary people, using their expertise, working to overcome the danger and the threat of nuclear war. A little later, Physicians for Social Responsibility was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work around nuclear arms treaties. That model was very much on my mind when I decided to go to Russia. Contact between everyday people can help push the envelope.

TD: Together with the doctor and physicist groups, Mr. Rogers also went to Moscow during the Cold War. But you were branded a little differently.

The accusation that I was a “Putin puppet” ramified all the way up to a Senate Intelligence Committee investigation. It went on for years, cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. What the Committee came up with was a big “Thank you so much for your full cooperation.” They concluded there was nothing untoward or inappropriate whatsoever. The whole thing was completely above board and transparent from the get-go. We announced what we would be doing, how we were paying for it, who we planned to meet with. Our objectives were to advocate for a nuclear-weapons ban and a Global Green New Deal. The whole premise of the “Putin puppet” smear was always ludicrous, but they’re still using it, even after the Senate Intelligence Committee laid it to rest.

TD: Before we leave the subject, what was the chit chat like at the table? In pictures, everyone looks a little stiff and awkward. 

It was awkward because the only English speaker within earshot of me was Willy Wimmer, a Defense Ministry official in the German government at the time of German reunification, who later became vice president of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Putin walked in with these three strapping muscular guys and sat down for maybe 10 or 15 minutes. There was zero contact. There were some really interesting people in the room, including Gorbachev, entirely on the peace side of the equation. When I saw Michael Flynn, who wasn’t yet associated with the Trump campaign, I wondered, “What’s this weird military guy doing here?” I gave him my elevator speech about peace and the climate, and he did not relate in the least. That conversation was over in 60 seconds. It wasn’t my ideal meal because I’m a vegetarian and don’t drink, so I just picked around the margins. But the entertainment was excellent. The Russian military chorus was amazing.

TD: The Russian military chorus seems a good segue to the situation in Ukraine, which at the time of the dinner was still simmering. Going back further, the conflict arguably tracks to the first round of NATO expansion in 1998, around the time the Green Party began getting organized in the U.S.

JS: Let’s go back farther. In 1991, The New York Times published leaks from the Pentagon, possibly intentional, that amounted to the first declaration of what’s now known as “full-spectrum dominance” — the idea that Washington will not allow any power to rise, even reasonably, to command the resources of any region, let alone become a global competitor. At that point, it was clear that we were going to ensure that Russia did not reestablish itself as a regional power. The rest is the logical derivative of that. The current conflict in Ukraine is very much the outflow of the position we adopted towards Russia at that time.

TD:  How should the U.S. be pushing toward a diplomatic solution to the current war, and more generally de-escalating tensions with Russia so we can get arms control back on track?

JS: There is a pretty good prototype in the Minsk Accords, with slight variations, that Russia agreed to. Leading up to war, Russia was not asking to annex, or even supporting, the eastern provinces that wanted to break away from Ukraine. Russia was resisting that. It’s just false to say that Russia had all these designs. The agreement Russia proposed was basically neutrality for Ukraine along an Austria model. It should have been a no-brainer. Russia again offered that agreement before it invaded, which was criminal and has been a humanitarian disaster. But we could have averted it. We could have prevented this whole war.

More recently, there were widely reported negotiations [in Istanbul], confirmed by a high-ranking official in the Zelensky administration, by Gerhard Schroeder from Germany, and by Naftali Bennett of Israel. They have all said that Russia had basically signed on to this agreement that included no NATO admission for Ukraine and a future negotiation on Crimea. There was a really great deal that could have put an end to all of this. Instead, we have basically condemned an entire generation of Ukrainians to death and disability. It’s shameful that we have been purposefully thwarting a negotiation process. We have to get out of the way. It’s not just in Ukraine. According to the Congressional Research Service, we have intervened militarily 250 times in the past 30 years. This is what we do. This is who we are. We are acting like a unipolar power in a multipolar world and it is impoverishing us as a nation. It is also endangering all of us with the growing potential for nuclear confrontation on multiple fronts.

TD: One of these fronts is the Middle East, where as you’ve noted, last month we sent an Ohio class nuclear submarine. What would a sound U.S. policy be vis a vis Israel and the occupied territories?

JS: We need to use our influence to require everybody inside of Palestine as well as Israel to abide by international law. It’s not like we have to invent the solution. Barring the law of nations, what do we have?

TD: Have you noticed younger volunteers approaching the party at the state level because of Washington’s ironclad support for Israel and opposition to global calls for a ceasefire?

JS: Oh, absolutely. We are not in touch with what’s going on inside the books of the state Green parties — we’re required to be separate by law — but our campaign is the ultimate litmus test of that. It’s huge.

TD: Let’s talk about Green party activists at the state and local level. I was struck by an interview you did with Pacifica’s Ann Garrison, in which you discussed your sense of obligation to the decades of work by local Green party volunteers to gain and maintain ballot access in dozens of states. How is your campaign related to the Green presidential campaigns going back to the first in 1996? 

JS: If you sit an election out, people will turn over, and you also won’t have the option of automatically qualifying if you reach the threshold in that state. You have to use [ballot lines] or you lose them.

TD: Can you talk a little about the work that goes into gaining ballot access, and the obstacles that exist to deter third parties, many dating to the original Red Scare under Woodrow Wilson?

JS: There are 50 different sets of rules in 50 states and it’s a moving minefield. We’re not meant to understand ballot access. You can spend huge amounts of money, and then make some simple little error, or not even make an error, and be tripped up by the design of the system. The reason Green candidates have to go to court so often is because they’ll try to catch us on technicalities and get us thrown off. Sometimes they succeed, because the courts are political. There is all kinds of administrative red tape, burdens and rules attached to the process to keep you off, arbitrary means of silencing democratic competition.

TD: And in many cases the whole process has to be relearned and repeated every four years…

JS: Unless you have achieved the percent of the vote required by the state for appearing on the [next] ballot, yes. It may be as low as 1%, or even half a percent, but it can also be substantially more. Offhand, I’d say the average is three to 5%.

If you haven’t reached the threshold, you have to repeat the petition process. But you have to begin by collecting way more than the requirement. If people use a messy signature, or they leave out their middle initial, they will often use this as a reason to strike that signature. And the numbers change. In New York, Cuomo was pissed and threatened when the Greens did well in the gubernatorial race. So unbeknownst to the public, he snuck an increased requirement in some budget bill totally unrelated to ballots and elections. New York Democrats increased the requirement from 30,000 signatures to 45,000 in six weeks. This is really hard for volunteers.

TD: And unlike astro-turf parties like, say, No Labels, the Greens rely on volunteers…

JS: You need very deep pockets if you’re going to pay petitioners. The Green Party relies on volunteers who know the rules and the requirements for their state. They’re usually very good at watchdogging the requirements, and they know the [neighborhoods] with high validation rates and cultures of demanding democracy, of refusing to be thrown off the ballot. Still, this is probably the single most difficult hurdle in front of us. We do not currently have ballot access in New York, due to the outcome of the last election.

TD: How many ballot lines met previous state thresholds?

JS: We’re building up to 20 carryover states — no small feat. We have 80% of signatures for the remaining states. It’s highly likely that we are going to be on the ballot in just about every state.

TD: Can you talk about the typical Green party canvasser and organizer? Would you described them as hard core lifelong democracy activists, or issue advocates who’ve been mugged by the Democratic party, or —

JS: They tend to be grounded in social movements and community fights. Rent control, stopping evictions or a pipeline, protecting a water supply. Greens believe in political struggle, and you don’t need a party to fight between elections. Most of those of us who’ve moved into the political fight — and I count myself as one of those — spent lives fighting for substantive change. Health care as a human right. Closing down coal plants. Promoting renewable energy and clean air. We tend to be very pragmatic and practical. We know how you stop people with petitions in a nice and friendly way as they’re coming out of the store. What is your stop line? How do you start up a conversation?

People who focus on issues [eventually] realize that you can only go so far as an advocate. Political allies have lots of ways of leading you around by the nose and then cutting you off. When the bill is about to be voted on, a clause is changed that throws away five years of hard work. At the end of the day, it becomes a political fight. No matter how much you want to avoid it, you have to challenge political power. I joined the Green Party because we were being betrayed right and left by 🐍 Democrats who pretended to be our 😇 friends .

TD: Is there a betrayal that sticks out from your years as an activist in your home state of Massachusetts?

JS: We got money out of politics in Massachusetts. We passed Clean Elections, which required public funding of elections, and it was betrayed by Democrats on a voice vote. They repealed it after it passed a voter referendum two-to-one. That was the last straw for me. I decided this has to be a political battle. I was recruited to run for office having no idea what I was getting into. That’s true for lots of greens.

In my first campaign, for governor of Massachusetts in 2002, we fought our way into a televised debate where I put forward health care as a human right, free public higher education, demilitarization, green jobs, et cetera. It went over like a lead balloon inside the debate studio. But when I walked out of the studio, I was mobbed by the press. An instant online viewer poll showed I won the night. That was the last time I was allowed into a televised debate.

TD: Let’s talk about something in the Green platform that would be very difficult to address in a televised debate, even if you were given the opportunity. This is Section 5a of the Economic Justice and Sustainability section, which recognizes there is “a fundamental conflict between economic growth and environmental protection.” This is a significant break not only with bipartisan consensus, but with most of the U.S. left, which shares a paradigm focused on ever-increasing production and consumption as measured by gross domestic product, despite evidence that growth is an ecological poison pill that can never be “greened.” How do you even begin to have this conversation with normal people worried about making rent and putting food on the table?

JS: This is a very challenging conversation. The limits of growth need to be addressed. It is not a case that we have to shut down growth immediately. But I would say that people get very attached to material comforts as a way to make up for communities and relationships. It’s why fixing our democracy and fixing [the planet] have to go forward together. We’re going to learn a lot in the next couple of years as the climate really hits the fan with drought, food supply, and especially, sea level rise. The Thwaites Glacier is losing its shelf, which acts as a break on two feet worth of sea level rise. It’s important that we be honest about what’s happening, so that we can make informed decisions as a society.

The American people are asking for someone who’s not a creature of Wall Street and in the war machine. If you’re looking for that, we’re likely to be the only option.

Most people don’t even know that we are at the precipice of some very staggering impacts. The Colorado River is about to shut down — whether it’s a year or five years — and that river supplies the water for California agriculture, which supplies half the fruits and vegetables for the country. And let’s be clear, the Democrats are creating a boondoggle for green industries that is not going to help the climate problem. You can say, well, it lays the groundwork for being able to pull back on fossil fuels, and that’s true. But we need to come clean and have an honest conversation about what’s actually going on right now. The Inflation Reduction Act is a fossil fuels first act. It’s a nuclear power act. That’s where we have to begin. And from there, things become possible. People do not trust the climate movement. They can smell a rat. And I don’t mean the grassroots climate movement, the frontline communities. I mean Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, the high rolling, politically correct types with Teslas and private jets.

TD: A lot of people focus on the Green party once every four years, only to excoriate it. But the party is active in local elections and the work is year-round. What goes on at the local and state levels when most people aren’t paying attention?

JS: We’ve run thousands of candidates at the local level. I think we’ve elected 128 officials. There’s a fairly high rate of success for local Green candidates. They don’t get covered much, but they’re there. Mayors. State legislators. In Massachusetts, we have Greens chairing their municipal select boards, their library boards. We just elected an Afro-Latinx immigrant to the school committee in Holyoke, Massachusetts, which is a very poor community. We have local officials working on land-use planning, fighting for rent control — the whole spectrum of grassroots democracy at the community level. We work to expand these efforts [while] constantly fighting on a tilted playing field. We face smear campaigns and get locked out of the press. We are the guys that their COINTELPRO type programs have not been able to eliminate. Most independent third parties in this country don’t last 10 years. The Peace and Freedom Party is probably one of the most long-lasting, they were established sometime in the ’60s —

TD: Eldridge Cleaver headed their first ticket in ’68, I think.

JS: Right — and they grew from there into a national presence. At one point, they had access to ballots in 15 or 20 states. Now they live in one state: California. They’ve been beaten back. Around the same time the Greens were established, the brilliant labor activist Tony Mazaki, who was also an environmental health and occupational justice guy, established the Labor Party. They had money and an institutional base, but they folded because they could never get past the “spoiler” issue. So, they died. We’re all vilified for being spoilers. Even though the actual spoilers are the parties themselves who fail to really compete and fight for their base, which is why their base is walking away. That’s the problem, not progressives running for office. But that’s the way the public mythology goes. So, we’re vilified constantly in the press or locked out.

TD: What’s changed between the first Green ticket in 1996 and 2024?

JS: What’s different is we’ve got a lot more unhappy campers. People are done being thrown under the bus. Half of renters are paying 30% or more for housing. In some places like New York City, the average rent is 68% of the average income. People are swamped in debt. We are in a political rebellion, and Greens are perfectly positioned right now to support this rebellion. I have found very few people, no matter where they are on the political spectrum, who have not had a complete loss of faith in our political institutions, in the parties of war and Wall Street. We’re in an incredible learning moment right now. For us to proceed with a really honest conversation has enormous potential to help us come together.

TD: Last question. Do you have capsule opinions on your fellow “spoilers” in 2024? 

JS: I will just say that I greatly sympathize with the plight of people fighting within the Democratic Party, but it’s hard to have a revolution inside of a counter revolutionary party. For those trying to do this outside of the Democratic Party, it’s difficult to get on ballots, even if you have money. As for the Libertarian Party and No Labels, they take corporate money and may be able to buy their way onto ballots, but that’s not who the American people are asking for.

The American people are asking for someone who’s not a creature of Wall Street and in the war machine. If you’re looking for that, we’re likely to be the only option. What compelled me to run was not only to ensure our ballot access would not go to waste, but also because it was highly likely the Green candidate would be the only pro-worker, anti-war, climate-action option. Either we were going to provide that, or it wasn’t going to be there. It was just unconscionable to me, to us, not to [provide] that at a time when the ship is going down. I know there are a lot of people who don’t understand why I’m running. But if you understand the life and death importance of fighting back against the existential crises we face, you know we can’t put this on the shelf. We have to do it now. That’s why I’m running.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2024, 11:51:35 am by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12


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January 8, 2024 Alastair Crooke: They 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝟎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 In Gaza. Does The West Truly Believe In Moral Superiority?

It's the Social Darwinism!

The ROOT cause of Oligarchic Tyranny, now Brazenly Accelerating the Human "civilization" Extinction Train, is the socially destructive ideology of SOCIAL DARWINISM:

Social Darwinists believe that ethics based principles are 'limitations pretending to be virtues'. To them, ethics are 'feel good illusions' that humans invented to pretend our species has empathy. To Social Darwinists, empathy is irrefutable evidence of inexcusable weakness. To them, all who are guided by ethics are deluded fools that should be eliminated from the human 'apex predator' gene pool for the "good" of our species.

Enthusiastic converts to Social Darwinism have, to this day, used the language of evolution to frame an understanding of the growing gulf between the rich and the poor, as well as the many differences between cultures all over the world. The explanation they arrived at, and continue to use to justify biosphere trashing profit over people and planet, regardless of any alligator tear filled mendacious claims to the contrary, is that businessmen and others who are economically and socially successful are so because they are biologically and socially “naturally” the fittest. Conversely, they reason that the poor are “naturally” weak and unfit and it would be an error to allow the weak of the species to continue to breed.

The ideology of the Social Darwinist is indistinguishable from the despicable ideology of NAZI Germany, clearly exemplified in their brutally enforced morally bankrupt concentration camp law: “Eat your own bread, and if you can, that of your neighbor.” The "Apex Predators have a DARWINIAN RESPONSIBILITY to BE as PREDATORILY EVOLVED (SEE: Steal everything that is not nailed down.) as possible" WORLDVIEW is the socially destructive tsunami now engulfing human society.

What all the entrenched insiders among the parasitic, predatory (i.e. Social Darwinist) elites and institutions don't dare admit publicly, though they celebrate that privately, is that to protect themselves from consequence, making the rest of us sacrifice everything else is what they-the-Apex-Predators have a DARWINIAN DUTY to DO.

Frugality and prudence, once accepted by all human cultures as sine qua non, has given way to massive excess by TPTB (and too many of the, brainwashed by the "education system", non-rich populace) and a level of craziness in culture that ethical humans never imagined they would experience.

Our species is on a track to extinction BECAUSE of TPTB's TOTAL embrace of the morally bankrupt SOCIAL DARWINIST IDEOLOGY.

TPTB, blatantly self-serving, corrupt, unaccountable and devoid of any sense of good and evil, will be our doom if they are not stopped.

It's NOT "the economy, stupid!" It's the Social Darwinism, stupid!

« Last Edit: January 12, 2024, 04:20:55 pm by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12


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🕯️🗽🦅🕊️ Cornel West on Capitalism, Ukraine, and his Presidential Run | 🕯️ The Chris Hedges Report

953K subscribers 12K 440,936 views  Premiered Jun 16, 2023  The Real News Network Podcasts

Dr. Cornel West is running for president. In a wide-ranging conversation on The Chris Hedges Report, West lays out a political vision centering "the least of these." Rejecting the corporate duopoly and its two wings—a neofascist Republican party, and the neoliberal Democrats—West calls for a multiracial alliance of poor and working people against militarism, corporatism, racism, and all other forms of bigotry and oppression.

Editor's Note: Since the time this interview was recorded, Dr. Cornel West has announced his intention to seek the Green Party nomination for presidential candidate, rather than running under the People's Party.The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, radical media network.

Technical Director: David Hebden
Studio Production: David Hebden, Adam Coley, Cameron Granadino
Post-Production: Adam Coley

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« Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 12:50:40 pm by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12


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Fighting Russia & China to Last American: Destroying US From 💵🎩😈🍌 Within
Dr. Jill Stein & Michael Hudson

Dialogue Works 134K subscribers May 17, 2024  Interviews

2024 Presidential Candidate:
🕯️🗽🕊️ Dr. Jill Stein -

I'm running for president with the Green Party to offer a choice for the people outside the failed two-party system. We'll put a pro-worker, anti-war, climate action agenda front and center in this election and on the ballot in November.

🕯️🗽 Michael Hudson is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. He is the author of Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (Editions 1968, 2003, 2021), ‘and forgive them their debts’ (2018), J is for Junk Economics (2017), Killing the Host (2015), The Bubble and Beyond (2012), Trade, Development and Foreign Debt (1992 & 2009) and of The Myth of Aid (1971), amongst many others.

ISLET engages in research regarding domestic and international finance, national income and balance-sheet accounting with regard to real estate. We also engage in the economic history of the ancient Near East.

Michael acts as an economic advisor to governments worldwide including China, Iceland and Latvia on finance and tax law. He gives presentations on various topics at conferences and meetings and can be booked here. Listen to some of his many radio interviews to hear his hyperspeed analysis of the geo-political machinations of global economics. Travel costs and a per diem are appreciated.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2024, 02:06:32 pm by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12


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👉 Graphics and emojies by AGelbert. 👈

The American Conservative

May 17, 2024 By Bradley Devlin

Inside Dennis Kucinich’s Political Comeback

The firebrand former presidential candidate is back on the scene. TAC sat down with him.


For 🕯️🗽🦅🕊️ Kucinich , the modern presidency is proof positive that institutional forces have, for the meantime, overwhelmed Article II of the Constitution.

“The unspoken question: Is there such a thing as a deep state❓” Kucinich said.

“Of course!” Kucinich continued. “You see in the Pentagon, in the upper echelons of State, and the various think tanks, they try to assume a position of a 💵🎩 permanent government. Donald Trump’s problem was that his lack of experience in government left him totally vulnerable to being attacked by these interests without even knowing it was happening. There’s a price you pay for not actually knowing how Washington works. It takes a while to understand how Washington works.”

Full Truth Filled lengthy article:
« Last Edit: May 18, 2024, 03:09:29 pm by AGelbert »
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12